Thursday, 4 October 2012

Post modernism

Post modernism came into effect around the 1970s when people started to look at the breakdown between genres and style. A lot of post modernism works contain a lot of mixing or mashing up there is a sense that the only way to make something original you need to get previous works and mash them together. A example of a mash up in film is Cowboys & Aliens where they combine sic-fi and westernt to create a modern adaptation.

Post modernism has four main titles with in it which are Bricolage, pastiche, parody and intertexuality.


 Bricolage is a technique where works are created from several other pieces of work to create a new and better product/idea. The idea can also be classified as an improvised production.


Pastiche is a piece of work that clearly and obviously imitates copies or pay homage to a previous piece of work.

Parody is a piece of work that imitates or takes the mick out of a previous piece. It is used for the main purpose of humour and to make an ironic reference. 


Intertexuality is where in a piece of work they reference another piece of work to help advertise or simply just because they liked it.

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